Run query
SELECT Products.ProductTitle AS Name, '' AS ShortDescription, Products.ProductDescription1 & '
' & Products.ProductDescription2 & '
' & Products.ProductDescription3 & '
' AS FullDescription, 1 AS ProductTemplateId, 'False' AS ShowOnHomePage, '' AS MetaKeywords, '' AS MetaDescription, Products.ProductTitle AS MetaTitle, 'True' AS AllowCustomerReviews, IIf([Products.Active]=Yes,"True","False") AS Published, Products.PartNumber AS SKU, Products.ManufacturePartNumber AS ManufacturerPartNumber, 'False' AS IsGiftCard, 0 AS GiftCardTypeId, 'False' AS IsDownload, 0 AS DownloadId, 'True' AS UnlimitedDownloads, 10 AS MaxNumberOfDownloads, 1 AS DownloadActivationTypeId, 'False' AS HasSampleDownload, 0 AS SampleDownloadId, 'False' AS HasUserAgreement, '' AS UserAgreementText, 'False' AS IsRecurring, 100 AS RecurringCycleLength, 0 AS RecurringCyclePeriodId, 10 AS RecurringTotalCycles, 'True' AS IsShipEnabled, 'False' AS IsFreeShipping, 0 AS AdditionalShippingCharge, IIf([Products.Taxable]=True,"True","False") AS IsTaxExempt, 0 AS TaxCategoryId, 0 AS ManageInventoryMethodId, 10000 AS StockQuantity, 'False' AS DisplayStockAvailability, 'False' AS DisplayStockQuantity, 0 AS MinStockQuantity, 0 AS LowStockActivityId, 1 AS NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow, 0 AS BackorderModeId, 1 AS OrderMinimumQuantity, 10000 AS OrderMaximumQuantity, 'False' AS DisableBuyButton, 'False' AS DisableWishlistButton, 'False' AS CallForPrice, Products.Price as Price, Products.Price AS oldprice, 0 AS ProductCost, 'False' AS CustomerEntersPrice, 0 AS MinimumCustomerEnteredPrice, 1000 AS MaximumCustomerEnteredPrice, Products.Weight, 0 AS Length, 0 AS Width, 0 AS Height, 40826 AS CreatedOnUtc
FROM Products
WHERE (((Products.[ObjectGroup_ID]) In (1588, 1271, 1551, 1552, 1750, 1553, 1554)));
**The WHERE statement is just to do partial data to test.