eTapestry ASP.NET Example
Recently I had to work with a site called eTapestry which is a good program but
their API help isn't the best for the .net world. So I got an
example working and decided to post what I have so maybe you can get started
must faster then I did.
Step 1: Create a temp database so you can figure out how their system works.
Step 2: In Visual Studio add the web reference. Find the latest WSDL
location at the eTapestry API Documentation page.
NOTE: I couldn't get a Service Reference to work so I had to use the advanced
button and add the old Web Reference way.
Step 3: Create new page. I called it etapestry.aspx. Add a
button called 'btnRun' and a label called ltlOutput.
Here is my codebehind for etapestry.aspx.vb
Imports etapestry
Partial Class etapestry
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim sUser As String = "yourusername" 'MUST BE CHANGED
Dim sPwd As String = "yourpassword" 'MUST BE CHANGED
Dim sQueryName As String = "Gave Last Year" 'CHANGE TO TESTING QUERY
Dim _etService As com.etapestry.sna.Service = New com.etapestry.sna.Service
Dim _etQueryRequest As com.etapestry.sna.PagedExistingQueryResultsRequest = New com.etapestry.sna.PagedExistingQueryResultsRequest
Dim _etQueryResponse As com.etapestry.sna.PagedQueryResultsResponse = New com.etapestry.sna.PagedQueryResultsResponse
Dim _etAccount As com.etapestry.sna.Account = New com.etapestry.sna.Account
Protected Sub btnRun_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRun.Click
Dim sEndPoint As String = ""
_etService.CookieContainer = New System.Net.CookieContainer()
sEndPoint = _etService.login(sUser, sPwd)
Dim sOutput As String = ""
_etService.Url = sEndPoint
If _etService.login(sUser, sPwd) = "" Then
_etQueryRequest.start = 0
_etQueryRequest.count = 100
_etQueryRequest.query = String.Format("{0}::{1}", sCategoryName, sQueryName)
_etQueryResponse = _etService.getExistingQueryResults(_etQueryRequest)
Dim iMax As Integer =
For iLoop As Integer = 0 To iMax - 1
_etAccount =
lblOutput.Text &= "Name: " & & "
Address: " & _etAccount.address & "
City: " & & "
State: " & _etAccount.state & "
Postal Code: " & _etAccount.postalCode & "
ID: " & & "
End If
End Sub
End Class
Save and test it out.